Psychological Assessment
Some mental health concerns that significantly impact clients can be effectively assessed during initial sessions. These may include anxiety, depression, trauma, emotional dysregulation, and interpersonal difficulties, which often do not necessitate further assessments. Your clinical psychologist will be able to provide guidance on whether further assessments will be required. In cases where further assessments are not required, your clinical psychologist may proceed with therapy as appropriate.
Further assessments may be recommended when cognitive and neurodevelopmental conditions are concerned. Psychological assessments are helpful for determining the presence and severity of such conditions and facilitating effective treatment planning. Psychological assessments may involve the use of tests, questionnaires, observational data, and interviews. Further assessments can be particularly helpful for ruling out conditions such as (the list is non-exhaustive):
* Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
* Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
* Intellectual Developmental Disorder (Intellectual Disability)
* Specific Learning Disorder
Brief Assessment Report: RM100 per report
Full Assessment Report: RM320 per report
(Our clinical psychologist will be able to advice on whether a full assessment report will be necessary)